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Full Version: Superior to Euphony and AudioLinux
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A testimonial from a user on Stereonet
Quote:Sound quality with SnakeOil is addictive. Gone are any treble nasties and bass bloat, noise-floor is very low, and the sound signature is one of 'smooth transparency'. The timbre of acoustic instruments is very natural—piano, trumpet etc are reproduced with a harmonic fullness unequalled by any other streaming methods I've tried. This 'smooth transparency' is perhaps a little homogenous in comparison to my Windows Server 2019 / AudiophileOptimizer / Audirvana UPnP setup—which is a little more resolving, but with SnakeOil you're immersed in the music. The experience is very pleasing.

Certainly I found it superior to Euphony and AudioLinux.
(06-May-2024, 11:48 AM)Snoopy8 Wrote: [ -> ]A testimonial from a user on Stereonet
Quote:Sound quality with SnakeOil is addictive. Gone are any treble nasties and bass bloat, noise-floor is very low, and the sound signature is one of 'smooth transparency'. The timbre of acoustic instruments is very natural—piano, trumpet etc are reproduced with a harmonic fullness unequalled by any other streaming methods I've tried. This 'smooth transparency' is perhaps a little homogenous in comparison to my Windows Server 2019 / AudiophileOptimizer / Audirvana UPnP setup—which is a little more resolving, but with SnakeOil you're immersed in the music. The experience is very pleasing.

Certainly I found it superior to Euphony and AudioLinux.

I also have compared AO, Euphony, AudioLinux with SO in some years ago, when the installer was still an .iso.  By that time the difference is very obvious, no matter one like it or now, the difference can't be missed.