Posted by Agent Kith on 07 Jul 2020 in Reviews
Unifi Dream Machine Pro
Unboxing: Part 5
Nothing much to see on the sides. These are holes for mounting the rack ears.

This is a power connector for your secondary power supply. Secondary power is provided by the USP-RPS 1U module. Priced at around AUD$700 at time of writing. Total output of 950W and capable of powering 6 Unifi devices. As far as I can tell this is not a UPS. This solution makes more sense to me if it is a UPS.

Some Cisco networking gear always offers RPS via a similar 24pin ATX like input. I wonder if the two are inter-changeable. This is beyond the scope of the review.
Close up of the 2 SFP+ ports and Gigabit WAN. WAN ports are clearly marked with the blue Internet logo (Ports 9 and 10).

About The Author

Founder and lead architect of Snakeoil OS - the ultimate audiophile operating system for music playback. My primary focus is in applying technology without losing the human touch.
This video sums up the flaws of UDM-Pro. It’s really only good for very small businesses, or the home.