Posted by Agent Kith on 01 Aug 2016 in Snakeoil
Beta Firmware: 0.1.5-pre-release-20160801
This is the fourth beta release of 0.1.5 (pre-release-20160801).
Note this is just a firmware release, if you are new to Snakeoil please download and install the ISO first.
Changelog (since v0.1.5-pre-release-20160619)
- Allow you to change your hostname
- Updated squeezelite.ralph and mpd-git to latest version
- Added php file manager
- Allow upgrade of generic firmware and deb for all architectures
- Always repair NTFS partitions before mounting them
- Fixed broken apt installs.
- Clarify the difference between forum activation and Snakeoil web app activation
- Some width and size changes to the web app
About The Author

Founder and lead architect of Snakeoil OS - the ultimate audiophile operating system for music playback. My primary focus is in applying technology without losing the human touch.