Posted by Agent Kith on 04 Aug 2018 in Snakeoil
Blind Testing: A Technology Walkthrough
New MPD Client
Creating a all-in-one remote web client is always in the works. Unfortunately this is still a pipe dream for now. Until then we are relying on third party web clients, and while yMPD works well, there is one thing that stops me from using it - cover art.
Having covert arts makes it a lot easier, and more intuitive when selecting the music to play. Bomf from the forums suggest myMPD and it ticks all the boxes.

This is a great example on how the Snakeoil OS community can help improve Snakeoil OS. Please submit your suggestions here in the Feature Request forums, and we’d try to implement it!
About The Author

Founder and lead architect of Snakeoil OS - the ultimate audiophile operating system for music playback. My primary focus is in applying technology without losing the human touch.