0.1.0 (Schumann Resonance)

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Released: 29th Feb 2106.

This day marks the first release of Snakeoil OS.

This image is based on the setup and configuration of the computer I'm running at the time. To ease the early users into the Ubuntu/Linux ecosystem, A simple PHP web interface on top to ease people into the Ubuntu/Linux ecosystem. The timing for this release is no accident, it's February 29th, and the next Snakeoil birthday is always 4 years apart! With a quirky name of Snakeoil, the birthday has to be on the leap day. This release also marks the first time I have registered for a domain (snakeoil-os.net), as well as paying for my first virtual host. After 40 years, I've finally created something to put on "the cloud"!

This is also the second time I have authored a web page! And old my . The year is 2016, and what a glorious web page this is:

Based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trust Tahr), the Snakeoil OS WebApp runs entirely on PHP off a lighttpd server. It was something I cobbled together to make it easier for some people I know then to run music player off a Linux platform. Not the best looking piece of software, but hey it sort of works .

Why Schumann Resonance

According to Wikipedia:

Apparently these SR are bad for us, so a Schumann Resonator is a device that can allegedly counteract the negative effects of SR. My dad gave me an Accuoustic Revive unit to try.

This sums up my reaction when it's powered on the first time. What on earth? How, Why, Impossible!