
From Snakeoil OS Reference
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Currently Snakeoil is released in the following flavors:

  • Intel 32 bit  (file name in the format of snakeoil-i686-x.x.x.iso)
  • Intel 64 bit (file name in the format of snakeoil-x86_64-x.x.x.iso)
  • Raspberry Pi 32 bit (filename in the format of snakeoil-armv7l-x.x.x).img

The latest version is always stickied at the top of the ISO section in the forums. Simply download the ISO/IMG image that works best for your computer hardware.

We advise you to upgrade to the latest point series after the installation. You can find the latest firmware here, and the latest version is always stickied. Unlike the ISO, because the firmware files are hosted on site, you'd need to register yourself in order to download the firmware.

Experienced users can refer to the quick start guide. Everybody else, continue to the next section.

Intel 32 bit vs 64 bit

In general terms you'd use a 64bit OS when you have more than 4 GB of RAM on your computer. But in truth it doesn't really matter. I have not tested the audio quality of 32 bit versus 64 bit myself but I have heard reports of one edition being better than the other. So download both, experiment and settle on the edition you prefer. You can even install both side by side and choose which edition to boot.

Raspberry Pi 32 Bit

This is pure Rasbian with the addition of:

  • Snakeoil RESTful server
  • Snakeoil web client
  • Custom audio libraries

This is not a working image, and not a LiveCD. Simply download the image file, dump the contents to a microsd card and boot. Because this is the 32 bit edition, it will work with all existing (and potential future) Raspberry Pis.

Because the Pi edition is a lot easier to install, this image will give you a general idea of what Snakeoil is like. For the best audio quality, do consider movinig to the Intel platform as that's where the Snakeoil Squad will base their audio evaluation on.

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